This is the lazy liminal period between Christmas and New Year, time for a psychologically healthy Ignatian Examen of the previous year—the highs and the lows; what we did well occupationally, spiritually, physically and relationally, and what we utterly failed at…and why.
Bloggers traditionally look at the previous year’s posts, and see what spoke to people… and what did not!!
Here, if you missed them, or would like to revisit them, are my most read posts of 2015.
1 A God’s Eye View on the Migrant Crisis
2 The Best Thing You Can Do with Your Life: Sign It Over. (Inspired by Bill Bright.)
(I really truly believe this, incidentally)
3 On Cancer, Declining Chemotherapy, Healing, and Future Plans
My year was defined by my quixotic quest to recover from Stage III colorectal cancer though diet, exercise and supplements (and without any treatment!)
4 When You Think it’s All Over, And That End is a New Beginning
The infinitely creative God lovingly calls us to new beginnings when everything, everything seems to have collapsed around us. (Another core conviction)
5 “Thin Places,” Where the Boundaries between the Spiritual and Physical Worlds are Almost Transparent
6 In which the Afflicted are Comforted in Ways We Cannot Guess (In Memory of Kayla Mueller)
Perhaps because my energy was low this year, I only wrote things I really, truly believe.
7 At the End of Broken Dreams, an Open Door
8 7 Things I Learned from Simon Vibert’s “Stress: The Path to Peace”
9 When the City of Light Goes Dark. Finding Hope in an Age of Terrorism
10 In which God Creates Beauty from My Mistakes
tied with
10 Is “ending those Muslims,” as Jerry Falwell advises, the way of Jesus? Aren’t there other ways?
And here are my top ten posts of all time, all of which have had several thousand views.
1 John Leonard Dober and David Nitschman: The Moravian Missionaries who Sold themselves into Slavery
2 Yeah, Praise the Lord, Anyway, Even for Fleas.
3 Chronos and Chairos: Time and God’s Time
4 Why I Am No Longer a Roman Catholic
5 I Said to the Man who Stood at the Gate of the Year
6 My Experience of The Baptism in the Holy Spirit and of Speaking in Tongues
7 10 Reflections after Listening to Heidi Baker
8 On Mustard Seeds and Malignant Polyps
9 Lonnie Frisbee, the Most Influential Gay Christian in the Last Century
10 Walking on the Waters, Looking at Jesus, in the Shadow of the Big C (who Must not be Named)
Read my new memoir: Rosaries, Reading, Secrets: A Catholic Childhood in India (US) or UK.
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My book of essays: Wandering Between Two Worlds (US) or UK