I first met Shelly Miller of Redemption’s Beauty through her much-needed Sisterhood of the Sabbath. She’s on my blog today with another necessary challenge. Welcome, Shelly!
As I step over the threshold from my garage to the side yard, holding a full trash bag in my hand, the sound of something rustling in the leaves nearby startles me. I’m a bit jumpy this time of the year. I live in a part of the country inhabited by almost every species of snake. Walking barefoot in the summer is an extravagance I don’t allow myself.
As I look from side to side, scan the grass, inspect the flower beds and barbecue, I remember the source of the sound that reverberates. A blush-cheeked skink lives a few feet down the sidewalk, behind a drain pipe, nestled among leaf litter. Though the sight of a giant lizard isn’t less creepy than a snake, I can see his frozen stance like a picture hanging on a brick wall in the crevice. I know he is more afraid of me than I am of him.
And I’m the only one who knows about the skink setting up residence in this secret place. I’m the gardener in our family.
It suddenly occurs to me that my son squawks in certainty about hearing a slithering snake, every time he takes the trash out. I just happen to be doing his job on this day and realize it’s not a snake threatening my son’s peace, but a harmless skink.
I wonder how many times I have done this; withheld information that seems trivial when sharing it would be a gift, like a prophetic word. When I offer prayerful, sometimes seemingly insignificant impressions with others, it is an act of the deepest kind of vulnerability and yet reveals the most profoundly courageous truth. God is asking me if I’ll risk looking foolish; if I’ll trust Him for the sake of love.
Perhaps He is asking you too.
There’s no equation where taking risks, braving uncertainty, and opening ourselves up to emotional exposure equals weakness. ~Brene Brown, Daring Greatly
The beautiful paradox: every time I dare to be vulnerable, expose my perceived weakness in sharing what I sense He is saying for someone else, faith grows strong like a shoot stretching tall toward the Son, for both of us.
Recently, I became reacquainted with a girlfriend on Facebook after a fifteen year lull in conversation. She reminded me of a time of barrenness, when she desperately wanted children and worried about not becoming pregnant. She says, “I still tell the story of how you had a prophetic dream that I was pregnant with our first child who is now 14. God is so good! Thanks for sharing that with me so long ago. It proves again the goodness of God and His ever present hand in our lives!”
She just had her sixth child.
Humanity shares a common trait: the desperation to be set free from ourselves, even when we don’t know it. Prophecy is the reminder that we aren’t alone; that your life and mine, they matter and He is listening.
Brene says, “We love seeing raw truth and openness in other people, but we’re afraid to let them see it in us.” And perhaps our sharing what we know, what seems insignificant to us, will transform someone’s perceived situation from a snake to a skink; help them breathe a bit easier when stepping into the unknown. It may even allow a person to release the trash they were holding back.
We are light bearers, holding torches we assumed were lit with the wisdom of our experience, when often we carry flames of truth from His tongue illuminating the mystery of the Kingdom. The Light you carry may set someone free. Share it.
What is worth doing even if you fail? Have you ever pushed away that inkling you perceived as coming from God for someone because of fear? Or perhaps you’ve been the recipient of someone else’s prophetic word in due season. Tell me about it in the comments.

Shelly Miller
Shelly Miller is a writer, photographer, clergy wife, mother of two teens, and a leadership coach. She enjoys writing stories that make people think differently about life and helping women discover their calling. You can read more of her stories on her blog, Redemptions Beauty and in her column at Living the Story. Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.
Read my new memoir: Rosaries, Reading, Secrets: A Catholic Childhood in India (US) or UK.
Connect on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anitamathiaswriter/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anita.mathias/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnitaMathias1
My book of essays: Wandering Between Two Worlds (US) or UK
Your prophetic dream of a friend having a baby reminded me of a time years ago when a friend of mine dearly wanted a second child. She and her husband had waited and waited; no child. One day I felt compelled to pray with her after church. As the words came, so did a strong, convincing tone. I based my prayer on a verse that had ministered to me: “He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord (Psalm 113:9). I must admit, I felt apprehensive. What if God had different plans for this couple? What if the conviction with which I prayed was just my own heartfelt desire for their happiness? I heard no voice saying that E. and M. would indeed have a child. But imagine the joy of all of us when she did become pregnant, not long after that prayer! E. & M. had twins!
Nancy, I think your thoughts are common to all of us. I give those prophetic words in fear and trembling and with a bit of begging from God to show if I’m wrong. But really, the outcome is up to Him isn’t it? If we are wrong and fail to give an accurate word to someone, it just points them back to our humanity and doesn’t change a thing about God.
Oh, yes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! But when I step out in faith and falter, I don’t want anybody else to falter with me. Even that outcome is up to Him, though, isn’t it.
Shelly, I am so glad I ‘hopped over’ the pond (or you, did, rather and I followed you.) Anita’s voice–and yours–are like a fresh drink of water. In 1984 a singing prophet came to our church–he ministered with his guitar and God gave him words for people in the room and they were spot on. Every one of them. The words he spoke over my husband and I have been typed out and printed in my Bible all this time, but God has only been releasing the gifts he promised in me–that of prophecy–speaking a word in season over others-have only been stirred up in me in the last four years or so. I don’t always remember it’s there, but when I’m obedient to share what God has given me, there is always such joy and life given to others and a sense of confirmation in my spirit.
Many people have also prayed over me since then and God has tenderly touched me each time. I so grateful THEY were obedient, too, to step out of their comfort zone and speak the words of the Lord to me.
Thank you for encouraging us, reminding us to step out in faith.
Oh wow, this is such a wonderful thing to know about you Jody. I would love to encourage you in using this gift. It could be a brand new season of exploring and deepening your faith as you step into it.
Wow, your singing prophet sounds amazing. I once was given a life-changing word for my daughter, Zoe, from Patricia Bootsma of Catch the Fire, Toronto, who had no idea I had daughters, but could “see” her. And she was right, and the confidence she instilled was life-changing!
I am consciously trying to be more attuned to His Spirit’s urges like this too, Shelly. And sometimes it is other than words to share. Like maybe a book is continually on my mind to share with someone. Or another is on my mind to send an uplift to… Until I finally act on those thoughts and realize they just might be coming from him for some reason. Recently, I sent a drawing to someone because they were in my thoughts to do so for months, and when I did, she wrote back to tell me it came on a milestone birthday I had no idea of… His perfect timing. And, in a way, maybe a word to someone’s spirit directly from His? ~ Pam, apples of gold, http://wordglow.worpdress.com
I love the way you own this part of who you are Pam, its so honoring and inspiring. And actually quite brave.
wow. what a word, Shel.
i have benefited too many times to count from someone who was willing to step out and speak love over me. these people in my life have helped me begin to see myself as He sees me. they have been light-bearers, indeed.
thank you for the gracious way you challenge and ignite us to do the same. i am so glad to call you ‘friend.’
and Anita, thanks for hosting! how generous you are with your space here – always inviting others and encouraging them. thank you for being you.
Me too Kelli, so grateful for the courageous people in my life who spoke words of life over me and held me accountable. I think that is what inspires me to carry the torch. So blessed by you Kelli, in so many ways. Truly.
Thank you, Kelli. You guys have immeasurably enriched my blog with your guest posts!
Recently I was working on a new writing assignment about the idea of being all in. On a break from writing I took to reading the four verse story in the book of Luke about the widow’s mite. Certainly she is an example of someone who was “all in.”
As I read this post I am reminded of the freedom we have to be all in for the Lord. To take the risk of seeming silly and share what it is He has put on our hearts to share with someone else. That when we allow ourselves to be all in sometimes we actually help others experience the liberty to do the same.
Thanks for sharing.
Yes!! You got it Ahyana. It’s worth the risk, for the sake of someone else. I’ve found that I’m rarely, if ever, regretful about stepping out in faith. My heart beats fast but when I surrender the way I fear it might be received then the outcome is on His back. Usually, the outcome is better than what I imagined.
You can’t know how hard this was for me to read. As you know I am reluctant when it comes to my gifting, especially when the “prophecy” is not what someone wants to hear. Yet those prophecies can bring great freedom and help. I have been the “weeping” prophet the last couple of days with a knot of fear keeping me from the courageous thing. I covet your prayers. I only want to “speak words that make souls stronger.” (Voskamp) But I have a “fire caught up in my bones.” If I don’t use my gifts, what will it do to me and how does that honor the One who gave these things to me?
Thanks for giving Shelly your place today Anita. May God continue to use you and your blog in UK and all over the world 🙂
Yes, I do know about your reluctance. Praying for courage. He might just surprise you Dea. You’ve been on my heart this week.
Thank you, Deanne, and thank you for visiting!
Hi Shelly…Thanks for directing us to this ‘Blogger from Oxford’! Like you, I love all things ‘British’! She’s now on my list.
Occasionally I have felt the urging to say a word to someone near and dear to me. I’m never really sure if it’s from God, whether it’s classified as “prophetic” or not. But these kinds of ‘urges to speak’ do feel stronger and different from others I have. I know I do have strong urges like this when it comes to the ‘Church’ as a whole. Things that I see as future danger if the Church keeps following the popular trends of our day. I also find that some people near and dear to me are more eager to hear, while others?…not so much. “Prophetic” for me…IF that’s what it is…often comes in the form of warning or chastisement.
I’m happy for you, that you do live and breathe and move in your gifting from the Lord. We are all richer for it. Good words today.
I think you illustrated what I was trying to say in this piece Jillie. I think sometimes we don’t realize that those urges could be from God. And usually prophecy is something that resonates with someone when you say it, it’s a confirmation or further insight into something God is already doing in someone’s life. Grateful for you too. And glad you are adding Anita to your list, she’s a good one.
Welcome to my blog, Jillie, and thank you for putting me on your list!
What a beautiful reminder, Shelly. It’s timely for me, as I am in a season of wrestling with lots of fear and apprehension. I have seen the way God speaks to you, and through you–it’s amazing. So lovely to see you in Anita’s corner of the web. Praying for you both today.
So glad to see you here Kris and thankful this was a timely reminder. Fear and apprehension are not welcome guests, I’ll be praying for you my friend.
Kris, thank you for your prayers. I read your interviews on blogging today, and loved the way you have surrendered your writing to God!
Thanks for having me here Anita, what a privilege. You know, I seem to share prophetic words more easily in church but when it isn’t there, it feels more scary. God is challenging me to share with my blog followers now too. Those he puts on my heart to pray for. I am wonderstruck over the way he is speaking, about the way he is blessing those He brings to the welcome mat of my blog. It’s been a gift I didn’t expect and one I am so thankful for as well.