Psalm 2
1 Why do the nations conspireb]’>[b];
you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”
Anita Mathias: Dreaming Beneath the Spires
Anita Mathias's Blog on Faith and Art
Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:5
Shame is inevitable. We are people of unclean lips, and we live amidst a people of unclean lips. We are foolish, impulsive, make errors, misjudge, sin.
And radiance despite our sins, failures and shortcomings?
From looking to Him, to his acceptance. From dancing closely with Him.
From hearing him sing over us the Father’s Song.
I have heard so many songs
Listened to a thousand tongues
But there is one
That sounds above them all
The Father’s song
The Father’s love
You sung it over me and for eternity
It’s written on my heart
Heaven’s perfect melody
The Creator’s symphony
You are singing over me
The Father’s song
Heaven’s perfect mystery
The king of love has sent for me
And now you’re singing over me
The Father’s song.
The Father’s song
The Father’s love
You sung it over me and for eternity
It’s written on my heart
Matt Redman
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me,
for in you my soul takes refuge.
I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings
until the danger has passed. Psalm 57.
I love how the Psalms tune and sensitise my spirit, make me aware of thoughts and emotions I am barely conscious of.
I love praying. It is one of my very favourite things to do. I love how prayer flushes out and irrigates my soul. I love how I can hide myself in God until the danger has passed. And that is a very safe place to be.
Interestingly, really serious prayer, for me, a serious seeking of God’s face, that kind of prayer which clears my thoughts, and helps me to see things clearly, requires me to be on my knees.
Another aspect of the body-mind connection.
A day of minor distraction, and perhaps a faint sense of not all being right with the world, and, of course, it isn’t! Sometimes, I feel very aware of the presence of evil.
Felt jangled and distracted inside. So, instead of writing, I settled down with the Psalms in my lovely new Bible, the ESV, and read it until I felt calm.
Sometimes, it’s as if it’s not I who am praying the Psalms, the Psalms are praying me.
Oh, what do I mean by that? It’s as if a deeper wisdom within my spirit, the same spirit which inspired the Psalms is praying them within me, settling me down.
The Psalms give voice to my deepest fears, and yearnings and reachings towards God. They elevate me. They remind me of who I truly am, and what I truly want and what I truly want to be.
Praying them, I am reminded again that truly is well with the world, for it is in the hands of a very good God, and I leave my life in his hands, and I feel peace.
David, a shepherd, hails the LORD as his shepherd. Hmm.
And when Jesus invites Peter originally, and re-invites him again after the Resurrection, it is in the areas of his competence. You are a fisherman? Well then, fish men. You have laboured all night and caught nothing. Well, pal, cast your net where I tell you to.
Might we see the greatest breakthroughs and wonders and miracles if we invite God to step in in the areas of our competence? I think so.
Whatever our profession is, the Lord knows how to do it better, and WE can do it better if we trust him. The Lord is my writer. The Lord is my business manager.