I have designed my own 2016 Planner to plan and organise my creative work, and the other things I want to keep track of. I used the blueprint in 2014, and found it brought clarity to my day and increased my productivity.
Here it is if you’d like to order a copy. On Amazon.com and on Amazon.co.uk.
It is a traditional Appointment Diary.
But there are also sections for
Food Records
A column of the usual Appointment Diary is devoted to keeping track of meals eaten. Studies say you lose twice as much weight if you record what you eat (though sadly I often forget to).
There’s a column to check if they are healthy. Keeping track of the healthiness allows for mid-course adjustments.
There’s a little box to record your daily weight, if that’s important to you.
5 Reasons for Gratitude
Space to record five things you are grateful for. Recording reasons for gratitude leads to a 25% increase in happiness, and better health. It leads to “higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism, and energy.” Those who record their blessings experience “less depression and stress, were more likely to help others, exercised more regularly, and made greater progress towards achieving personal goals.”
10,000 Steps
The consensus is that 10,000 steps a day is the minimum necessary for good health, according to Britain’s NHS. It also spurs creativity. I usually fall short of this, but 2015 is a new year!!
Recording steps, and one’s progress is motivational. I use an Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer , very reliable.
Three Creative Projects
Donald Miller suggests working on no more than three projects at a time. I like the idea; it gives clarity. It is very peaceful and freeing.
What I Get to Enjoy Today
Listing the simple good things— time with family, reading, gardening, a walk, prayer, tidying a messy room, listening to worship music while you tidy up, a movie perhaps—helps you face your day with anticipation and joy.
If I Could Live Today Again
Another idea from Donald Miller. If you were to do a do-over of the day, what would you do? List it in the morning.
If day after day you list the same things and do not do them, something is very wrong.
A To Do List
Go on, order a 2015 Creative’s Planner for yourself or your favourite creative; clarify and organize your life; increase your productivity, (and support Dreaming Beneath the Spires in the process)
The Creatives’ Planner, on Amazon.com ($11.99)
The Creatives’ Planner on Amazon.co.uk (£9.99)
Here’s a glimpse of what a page looks like.
Thanks. Enjoy!
Read my new memoir: Rosaries, Reading, Secrets: A Catholic Childhood in India (US) or UK.
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My book of essays: Wandering Between Two Worlds (US) or UK