And so I walk by the beach, which for me is holy ground near Malta’s stupendous Azure Window. And I say, “Oh Lord, you speak to me so clearly by the ocean. You give me such good ideas. You pour insight and revelation into me. You have already done so this holiday. I can’t expect you to speak to me with good ideas and insight and direction every time I walk by the beach, can I? I have experienced so much of your kindness already. I do not deserve more goodness.”
And I felt God chuckle, and say, “Silly! It’s not a zero-sum game. It’s an infinity game. My goodness is unlimited. There is no budget.”
“Just because I blessed you yesterday does not mean I will not bless you today. That I blessed you last year, and the year before and the year before–does not mean that I won’t bless you next year. Blessings in my kingdom are infinite. They never run out. They are fresh each day like manna.”
And I repent for the fear that my streak of blessing might run out.
Why should I fear when I live in the arms, beneath the beating heart of Abba, my Father?
* * *
The rocks in Dwerja Bay are weathered into a lunar landscape.
Read my new memoir: Rosaries, Reading, Secrets: A Catholic Childhood in India (US) or UK.
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My book of essays: Wandering Between Two Worlds (US) or UK