Writing and Domesticity
The two are natural enemies as Cyril Connolly observed in “The Enemies of Promise”! However, since housekeeping is inevitable for those of us whose mates are not up to it, and who would rather have peace and order and fewer pages than squalor, all that can be done is use the techniques of judo, and turn the opponent’s strength against him. Use the time spent in housekeeping to think, pray, listen to books on CD.
And there are resemblances. Getting a final draft is a no bull-shit time like decluttering a room–tidy it up, find a place for it, or out it goes.
You may be interested in my long essay on Domesticity and Writing
at https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wandering-Between-Two-Worlds-Essays/dp/0955373700/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1283982806&sr=1-1
or on my website at www.anitamathias.com